Últimas Notícias do Grêmio

KTO x Esportes da Sorte: Como fica o patrocínio master do Grêmio

As operações da Esportes da Sorte foram vetadas pelo STF

Grêmio tem definição sobre estampar casa de apostas na camiseta
Imagem: Lucas Uebel/ GFBPA/ Divulgação

Grêmio e Esportes da Sorte vivem impasse no começo da temporada

O Grêmio vive um impasse com seus patrocinadores. A Esportes da Sorte, casa de aposta, foi vetada de operar nacionalmente em decisão liminar do STF e isso pode causar mudanças no uniforme do Tricolor.

Com o impedimento, a bet também não pode realizar nenhuma publicidade, o que inclui a marca nas camisetas dos clubes. Além do Grêmio, a Esportes da Sorte tem contrato com o Corinthians, Athletico-PR, Bahia, Ceará (Série B), Náutico (Série C), Santa Cruz (sem divisão) e o time feminino do Palmeiras.

O Grêmio, em resposta ao portal Globo Esporte, garantiu que , se não houver uma resolução a favor da empresa funcionar em todo país, retirará a marca da camisa e romperá o vínculo, visto que a CBF veta o uso de empresas que não constem na lista do Ministério da Fazenda.

Em contrapartida, o Tricolor vem negociando com a KTO para assumir como patrocinador master. O time gaúcho mudou seu contrato com o Banrisul. O banco agora paga R$ 18 milhões e ocupa a parte de trás do uniforme, deixando lugar para uma nova empresa master.

A KTO tem negociações avançadas com o Grêmio e pode pagar até R$ 60 milhões, com bonificações, por ano a dupla grenal. Entretanto, enquanto o acordo não é fechado, o Banrisul continuará ocupando o uniforme na Copa São Paulo de Futebol Júnior e nas roupas de treino do elenco principal.

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Confira a nota do Grupo Esportes da Sorte

O Grupo Esportes da Sorte divulgou nota esclarecendo a situação com o STF. Confira na íntegra.

“O Grupo Esportes da Sorte informa que está apto a operar de acordo com o Termo de Autorização e Credenciamento nº 003/2023 da LOTERJ. A autarquia verificou que a empresa cumpre as exigências legais, incluindo Habilitação Jurídica, Regularidade Fiscal e Trabalhista, Qualificação Econômico-Financeira, Qualificação Técnica e atende todos os requisitos do jogo responsável, além de apresentar as certidões de idoneidade exigidas. Qualquer informação contrária a essa decisão ainda não chegou ao conhecimento da empresa que aguarda a manifestação pública dos órgãos competentes.

Em paralelo, a empresa pleiteou a licença 030/2024 da SPA/MF, após o cumprimento de todo rito legal e normativo estabelecido pela legislação e suas respectivas portarias, e aguarda o seu deferimento, certa de que todas as etapas regulatórias foram rigorosamente cumpridas.

Diante desses fatos, o Grupo Esportes da Sorte reafirma o seu compromisso com a regulamentação do setor e com o jogo responsável visando proteger os interesses da sociedade civil, gerando empregos, renda e a favor do desenvolvimento econômico, social e cultural do país.”

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  2. Your Best Guide To Post Cycle Therapy 2024

    PCT: Your Best Guide to Post Cycle Therapy (2024)

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is a critical component in bodybuilding and fitness regimens, designed to help athletes restore their hormonal
    balance after ending a cycle of anabolic steroids or
    SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators). While the specifics of PCT
    can vary depending on the individual, compound, and goals, there are
    some general principles that every athlete should understand.
    This guide will walk you through everything you need to know
    about PCT in 2024.

    HPTA Restart Protocol

    The HPTA (Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis) is a vital hormonal feedback loop that regulates the body’s response to
    stress and manages cortisol levels. A properly designed PCT should include measures to
    restart and optimize the HPTA, as prolonged use of anabolic agents
    can suppress this system. supplements like High Strength TUDCA (1000mg) are often recommended during PCT to support liver health
    and aid in the natural recovery of hormonal pathways.

    When Should I Start PCT?

    The timing of PCT is crucial. Most athletes begin their PCT within 2-4 weeks after completing a cycle or treatment.
    However, if you’re using Natural Supplements, the timing may differ slightly.
    For example, users of Ostarine typically initiate PCT immediately upon finishing their supplementation to prevent muscle catabolism and maintain gains.

    How Long Should PCT Last?

    The duration of a PCT varies based on the compound used and
    the athlete’s history. A standard cycle is often 4-6 weeks,
    but some opt for a 12-week PCT to ensure comprehensive recovery.
    For SARMs like Cardarine, a 6-week PCT is usually sufficient to
    avoid fat gain and maintain muscle mass.

    Do I Need to Do PCT if I Use Natural Supplements?

    Natural supplements like Ostarine and Cardarine can still benefit from a well-structured
    PCT. While these compounds are considered “natural” and less harsh than steroids, they can still
    negatively impact hormone regulation. A PCT ensures that your body
    recovers properly and minimizes the risk of adverse effects.

    Ostarine Prevents Catabolism During PCT

    Ostarine is one of the most popular SARMs for muscle
    growth, but it’s also known to suppress testosterone
    production. To combat this, athletes often use an Aromatase Inhibitor (AI) during PCT.
    AIs like Arimistane and 6-OXO help restore natural testosterone levels while preventing muscle

    Cardarine Prevents Fat Gain During PCT

    Cardarine is unique because it not only preserves muscle mass but also helps maintain or even increase fat-free mass.
    However, like all SARMs, it requires a proper
    PCT to avoid fat gain and ensure that metabolic
    pathways remain healthy. A 4-week Cardarine PCT with an AI can help maintain your progress without
    regaining body fat.

    Balancing Your Hormones During PCT

    Balancing hormones is the cornerstone of any effective PCT.
    This involves monitoring hormone levels and supplementing with AIs to prevent testosterone
    decline while supporting cortisol normalization. Regular blood work can provide valuable insights into how your body is responding to supplementation.

    Benefits of an Aromatase Inhibitor

    Aromatase inhibitors are a cornerstone of PCT, especially for users
    of Ostarine and other SARMs. They work by inhibiting the enzyme responsible for converting testosterone to estrogen, reducing the risk of feminine traits (gynecomastia) while maintaining anabolic effects on muscle growth.

    What is 6-OXO?

    6-OXO is a powerful AI that inhibits the conversion of androstenedione to estrone, which can help maintain natural testosterone levels during PCT.
    It’s often combined with other AIs for maximum effectiveness.

    What is Arimistane?

    Arimistane is an AI that prevents the conversion of testosterone to estrogen, making
    it a popular choice among athletes using Ostarine or other
    SARMs. It’s well-tolerated and effective for maintaining
    hormonal balance.

    What is Blue Ox?

    Blue Ox is another AI that inhibits aromatase activity, helping to maintain healthy
    testosterone levels during PCT. It’s often used in conjunction with other AIs for enhanced effectiveness.

    How to Do a SARMs PCT

    Doing a SARMs PCT involves several key steps:
    starting with an AI like Arimistane or Blue Ox,
    followed by a HPTA Restart Protocol with supplements like TUDCA.
    The duration depends on the SARM used, but most follow a 4-6 week regimen. Always consult with a knowledgeable source before starting.


    For more in-depth guides and updates on the latest supplements, check out
    our articles on Stenabolic SR9009, the safest SARMs for
    proven low-risk gains, and Pumping Iron. Keep up with the latest
    news and exclusive offers by subscribing to
    our newsletter below!


    The Benefits of High Strength TUDCA (1000mg): A Comprehensive Guide

    Stenabolic SR9009 – The Secret Fat Loss Wonder Drug

    Safest SARMs for Proven Low Risk Gains (Ultimate Guide)

    Pumping Iron



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